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Closing In: Russia, Iran, Assad "Encircle" Syria's Largest City As Peace Talks Collapse In Geneva

Closing In: Russia, Iran, Assad "Encircle" Syria's Largest City As Peace Talks Collapse In Geneva

Back in October, we previewed the “promised” battle for Aleppo, Syria’s largest city prior to the war.

By the time Russia began constructing an air base at Latakia, the city - which is immensely important both from a strategic and psychological perspective - was controlled by a hodgepodge of rebels and militants including al-Qaeda, the Free Syrian Army, and ISIS.

European Bank Risk Soars To 3 Year Highs, US Risk Rising

European Bank Risk Soars To 3 Year Highs, US Risk Rising

We are going to need more "whatever it takes." And with Draghi's efforts to shove sovereign bonds down the throat of Europe's banks, the sovereign-to-financial linkage is now systemically as worrisome as it has ever been...


Deutsche Bank's CDS continues to push higher...smashing European bank risk to its highest since 2013...


Unicredit remains the most risky among EU banks...


And it is spreading to America...

Should Rand Have Run Like Ron?

Rand Paul’s campaign strategy worked brilliantly—for Ted Cruz. For Rand, it’s led to him dropping out before the first primary. Staunch libertarian supporters of his father’s two campaigns believe Rand should have run more like Ron. But it’s worth examining why he didn’t and why neither Paul has come close to the nomination.

Kissinger Privately Warns Putin “War Is Coming”

President Putin held a private meeting on Wednesday with former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger which the Kremlin say involved the American statesman warning Putin that the “ancient death cult” currently in control of the United States and the West “cannot be stopped”, and that a global war is almost set to become a reality.  A Kremlin report says that Henry Kissinger has inside information that proves that many Western leaders, past and present, are heavily influenced by the occult practice of necromancy (talking to the dead).
