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Osama bin Laden- ‘The USA is an Oligarchy’

113 documents originally seized from bin Laden’s Pakistani hideout are now available to the public on the Office of the Director of National Intelligence’s website after being declassified and translated. These newly released documents reveal Osama’s handwritten will for his $29m fortune and personal correspondences, including his concerns over the environment. Osama bin Laden gave a detailed analysis in the wake of the 2008 financial crisis. While hoping America would capitulate to financial difficulties, he criticized al Qaeda members who, in his opinion, were putting too much emphasis on the weakening U.S. dollar before launching into a detailed macroeconomic explanation of how a country’s debilitating currency may even benefit its export economy, and also warning his followers to never underestimate the long-term fiscal health of the United States of America. “Some among us might think that the dollar’s weakness is a sign of pending collapse or of the weakness of the American economy, particularly after the unusual turn to precious metals — gold — by investors as a safe haven,” he wrote. “The fact is that the weakness of the dollar in terms of pricing is to the benefit of the American economy, not against it!” Would Osama bin Laden ‘Feel the Bern’? From Vice: The cache of [...]