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Antonin Scalia, Christian

What a terrific comment from reader William Dalton:

More on the topic of profound Christianity of Antonin Scalia. It really was remarkable for a man of such prominence in secular America today.

A friend of mine preached at the funeral of Justice Lewis Powell in Richmond in 1998. In attendance were all the members of the Supreme Court, as well as many other dignitaries. Today he posted a letter he received after conducting that service. It was from Justice Scalia. This is it:

"We're Voting With Our Middle Finger": South Carolina Explains Why It Will Pick Trump

"We're Voting With Our Middle Finger": South Carolina Explains Why It Will Pick Trump

Earlier today, we noted that going into the South Carolina primary, Donald Trump is sitting on a commanding lead not just in the state, where he’s up 17 points, but nationally, where his lead over Ted Cruz is an even larger 20 points.

Perhaps most disconcerting for Cruz, Trump has a nine point national edge among white evangelicals, a voter base the Texas senator should by all rights dominate. Trump is also only 3 points behind Cruz among voters who identify as “very conservative.”

The Supreme Court Has Murdered The US Constitution — Guest Column by John Whitehead

The Supreme Court Has Murdered The US Constitution

Guest Column by John Whitehead

The People vs. the Police State: The Struggle for Justice in the Supreme Court

By John W. Whitehead
February 16, 2016

“We are not to simply bandage the wounds of victims beneath the wheels of injustice, we are to drive a spoke into the wheel itself.” —- Dietrich Bonhoeffer

The untimely death of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia has predictably created a political firestorm.

Cheney, Lindsay Graham & George W Slam Trump Over 9/11 Comments

Dick Cheney, Lindsey Graham and even George W Bush crawled out from under their stones to have a go at Donald Trump following his comments about 9/11 The GOP presidential front-runner accused former President George W. Bush of lying about the terror attacks in order to force the US into war in Iraq. “He sounds like a liberal Democrat to me,” Cheney told Fox News “He’s wrong, and I think he’s deliberately promoting those views in order to advance his own political interests.” Daily Kos reports: Lindsay Graham said that Trump sounded like Michael Moore. Just throwing that in there.

The Neocons Are A Danger, Especially In Syria

In the following interview Paul Craig Roberts, former assistant secretary of treasury under President Ronald Reagan, says that the neocons in Washington are a dangerous group of people. They can drag America and the world into war and chaos, the likes of which are manifest in Syria. Pravda Report YouTube Channel: What is your forecast for the situation in Syria? Do you think that the World War III can still start because of the clash of interests around that country?
