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The US Has Devolved into a Police State

The US Has Devolved into a Police State

Paul Craig Roberts

Yesterday I posted at this URL — — a news report and two vidos of a white female school teacher being removed and brutalized by a black police officer from a public meeting of school teachers with the school board while the school teacher was engaged according to the rules in normal conversation with a school board member.

Russiagate Turns On Its Originators

Russiagate Turns On Its Originators

Paul Craig Roberts

Russiagate originated in a conspiracy between the military/security complex, the Clinton-controlled Democratic National Committee, and the liberal/progressive/left. The goal of the military/security complex is to protect its out-sized budget and power by preventing President Trump from normalizing relations with Russia. Hillary and the DNC want to explain away their election loss by blaming a Trump/Putin conspiracy to steal the election. The liberal/progressive/left want Trump driven from office.

Newsletter Notice of New Postings

Newsletter Notice of New Postings

Dear Readers,

The newsletter is a service that the website uses to alert readers who subscribe to the free newsletter of new postings to the website. I have heard from some of you that you have ceased to receive the newsletter, and readers have requested that I put them back on the list.

First, only you can put yourself on the list, and only you are supposed to be able to take yourself off the list. You can put yourself back on the list by signing up again. The open question is: who is taking readers off the list.
