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Taxes: Here's What's Going To Stay The Same

Taxes: Here's What's Going To Stay The Same

Authored by Simon Black via,

On October 3, 1913, US President Woodrow Wilson signed the Underwood-Simmons Act into law, creating what would become the first modern US income tax.

The legislation (at least, the income tax portion) was only 16 pages and imposed a base tax rate of just 1%.

The highest tax rate was set at 7%– and it only applied to individuals earning more than $500,000 per year, which is about $12.6 million today according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Do We Really Need A Federal Ban On Horse Meat?

Do We Really Need A Federal Ban On Horse Meat?

Authored by Ryan McMaken via The Mises Institute,

For decades in the United States, turkey has been the center of the Thanksgiving meal. Some eccentrics may offer other choices, such as roast beef or duck, but nowadays, it's a sure bet that few households will be offering horse meat as one of Thursday's featured dishes. 

Horse meat has largely disappeared from the Western diet, and not even our pets eat much horse anymore.

“Russia Did It” and Other Crimes

“Russia Did It” and Other Crimes



“Russia Did It” and Other Crimes

Posted with permission and written by Rory Hall, The Daily Coin






We haven’t had a system of capitalism since the Federal Reserve and Woodrow Wilson hijacked the US Treasury and US economy in 1913. Our financial, monetary and economic system has morphed into fascism, corporatism or something more akin to communism/socialism. The way our economy operates today, in 2017 - it is certainly not capitalism.

