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Is Financial Argmageddon Bullish For Stocks? One Bank's Surprising Answer

Is Financial Argmageddon Bullish For Stocks? One Bank's Surprising Answer

Everyone knows that after nearly a decade of capital markets central planning by the world's central banks, "good news is bad news." But did you also know that financial armageddon has become the most bullish catalyst to buy stocks? That's the understated take-home message from the year ahead preview by Macquarie's Viktor Shvets published last week. It is also the conclusion that One River Asset Management's Eric Peters reached in his latest weekend notes.

"Our Flag Is Very Special" - NFL Superstar Herschel Walker Blames NFL Commissioner For Crisis

"Our Flag Is Very Special" - NFL Superstar Herschel Walker Blames NFL Commissioner For Crisis

Former NFL susperstar Herschel Walker - who aggressively praised America’s military heroes and first responders - slams NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell for not quelling the national anthem protests.

NYPost's John Aidan Byrne reports that the Heisman Trophy winner doesn’t beat around the bush:

“Guys, let me tell you this,” he said. 


Lyndon Johnson's Terrible Legacy

Lyndon Johnson's Terrible Legacy

Authored by Patrick Barron via The Mises Institute,

Recently my wife and I spent a morning at the Lyndon Baines Johnson Presidential Library in Austin, Texas. The damage done by this big bully is incalculable. His library reminds us of the start of the blizzard of government expansion during Johnson's presidential term, which lasted from the Kennedy assassination in October 1963 to his decision not to run for a full second term in 1968, which usually is attributed to his failure to end the war in Vietnam.

"We're Not Stupid" - Top US Nuclear Commander Would Disobey "Illegal" Trump Orders

"We're Not Stupid" - Top US Nuclear Commander Would Disobey "Illegal" Trump Orders

A few short months after Admiral Scott Swift, Commander of the US Navy’s Pacific Fleet, said he would obey a hypothetical order to launch a nuclear strike against China if the president chose to give it, Air Force Gen. John Hyten - America's top nuclear commander - said Saturday he would push back against President Trump if the president ordered a nuclear launch the general believed to be "illegal."
