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Why Robert Mueller Was Selected To Be The Special Prosecutor

Why Robert Mueller Was Selected To Be The Special Prosecutor

Authored by Eric Zuesse,

It all began with the 1996 bombing of the Khobar Towers apartment complex in the Saudi city of Khobar, which killed 19 U.S. military, who worked at the Dharan air base three miles away.

That incident became the lynchpin of the accusation by the Saudi royal family, the U.S. State Department, and the CIA, that Iran is the foremost state sponsor of terrorism.

Army Lowers Recruiting Standards To Allow Soldiers With History Of Self-Mutilation, Bipolar Disorder

Army Lowers Recruiting Standards To Allow Soldiers With History Of Self-Mutilation, Bipolar Disorder

Since the beginning of the year, much ink has been spilled about the Army’s increasingly desperate attempts to fill its lofty recruiting quota for fiscal year 2017-2018: That is, 80,000 new soldiers. To hit that number, the Army has repeatedly loosened its recruiting requirements. Last month, the military introduced a new policy that would forgive recruits with a history of marijuana use or certain marijuana related criminal violations...

Warnings From The "China Beige Book"

Warnings From The "China Beige Book"

Authored by James Rickards via The Daily Reckoning,

Leland Miller, a good friend of mine, is the founder and proprietor of an economic research service called the “China Beige Book.”

The name “beige book” was borrowed from the surveys conducted by regional Federal Reserve banks of economic conditions in their regions. (In the days before the internet, the Fed issued hard-copy booklets with different-colored covers based on subject matter. The economic conditions booklet had a beige-colored cover. Hence the name.)

Stockman Warns "Mind The Junk" - This Ain't Your Grandfather's Capitalism

Stockman Warns "Mind The Junk" - This Ain't Your Grandfather's Capitalism

Authored by David Stockman via Contra Corner blog,

The financial system is loaded with anomalies, deformations and mispricings - outcomes which would never occur on an honest free market. For example, the junk bond yield at just 2% in Europe is now below that of the "risk-free" US treasury bond owing solely to the depredations of the ECB.
