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Science Tells Us This Is All True

Science Tells Us This Is All True

Authored by Simon Black via,

On April 30, 1934, under pressure from Italian-American lobby groups, the United States Congress passed a law enshrining Columbus Day as a national holiday.

President Franklin Roosevelt quickly signed the bill into law, and the very first Columbus Day was celebrated in October of that year.

Undoubtedly people had a different view of the world back then… and a different set of values.

Can The Government Keep Us Safe?

Can The Government Keep Us Safe?

Authored by Andrew Napolitano via,

Here we go again. The United States has been rattled to the core by an unspeakable act of evil perpetrated by a hater of humanity. A quiet, wealthy loner rented a hotel suite in Las Vegas, armed it with shooting platforms and automatic weapons, knocked out two of the windows, and shot at innocents 32 floors below. Fifty-nine people were murdered, and 527 were injured.

Future Headlines...

Future Headlines...

Authored by Jeff Thomas via,

The following is a random assortment of headlines that we may see in the future.

However, they’re not fanciful; they’re based upon historical, political actions taken by past empires when they were in decline.

The wording, however, has been modernised to reflect current media presentation.

“President Announces Executive Order to Keep US Dollars at Home”
