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China's Shadow-Lending Ecosystem Could Be As Large As $40 Trillion, PBOC Guesses

China's Shadow-Lending Ecosystem Could Be As Large As $40 Trillion, PBOC Guesses

Authored by Deep Throat at Deep Throat Blog

Today, I'd like to take some time to revisit a couple of related topics that we first started discussing a few years ago. I am, of course, referring to the burgeoning increases in China's Debt levels, Shadow Bank Assets (loans) and M2, along with a high-level analysis of the most recent PBOC Financial Stability Report and FSB Global Shadow Bank Monitoring Report. (No!....please don't click this page closed....I promise this will eventually get interesting...)

Tax The Rich

Even though I have said this before apparently no one was listening so I have to say it again* because every time a new tax reform bill is proposed, the same clichés are trotted out and most of them are wrong. The purveyors of these clichés know they are wrong but they don’t care because they are trying to manipulate you to their ends. And, people fall for them.

Here is what the polls say about what Americans think about taxes (Gallup, Pew Research): 

Las Vegas Shooting

Las Vegas Shooting

Paul Craig Roberts

Dear Readers, I appreciate the confidence that you show in me with your emails asking my opinion about the Las Vegas shooting. Many of you suspect that it is another false flag affair, and you ask me about its purpose.

Anti-Trump "Resistance School" Moves To Berkeley

Anti-Trump "Resistance School" Moves To Berkeley

Authored by Dan Jackson via,

Students at the University of California, Berkeley can now join their peers at Harvard University for the second semester of “Resistance School” aimed at fighting the Trump agenda.

Due to the high popularity of the student-run program, with more than “175,000 participants tuning in last semester,” Resistance School announced that Berkeley would be its “second campus” in a September press release.
