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"That's The Wrong Way To Go" - Robert Shiller Slams America's "Excessive Lust For Wealth"

"That's The Wrong Way To Go" - Robert Shiller Slams America's "Excessive Lust For Wealth"

Authored by Robert Shiller, originally posted op-ed at The New York Times,

The Transformation of the ‘American Dream’

“The American Dream is back.” President Trump made that claim in a speech in January.

They are ringing words, but what do they mean? Language is important, but it can be slippery. Consider that the phrase, the American Dream, has changed radically through the years.

Kunstler Warns "Being In This World Actually Entitles You To Nothing"

Authored by James Howard Kunstler via,

The trouble, of course, is that even after the Deep State (a.k.a. “The Swamp”) succeeds in quicksanding President Trump, America will be left with itself — adrift among the cypress stumps, drained of purpose, spirit, hope, credibility, and, worst of all, a collective grasp on reality, lost in the fog of collapse.

Here’s what you need to know about what’s going on and where we’re headed.

Bitcoin Forked, and Gold and Silver Report 6 August 2017

Bitcoin Forked, and Gold and Silver Report 6 August 2017

So bitcoin forked. You did not know this.

Well, if you’re saving in gold perhaps not. If you’re betting in the crypto coin casino, you knew it, bet on it, and now we assume happily diving into your greater quantity of dollars after the fork. You don’t have a greater quantity of bitcoins; bitcoin has no yield. Bitcoin simply sells for a greater quantity of dollars now than it did before. But who wants to sell? Bitcoin’s going to a million bucks—at least.

Key Events In The Coming Vacation Week: All About Inflation

Key Events In The Coming Vacation Week: All About Inflation

With the traditional post-payrolls market lull setting in, and most trading desks taking a week or two off, it will be a relatively quiet week with attention turning to inflation data with releases in the US, China, Norway & Switzerland, a key factor as central banks consider if/when to tighten in the near future. The US print will gain most attention: a strong number will validate the Fed's balance sheet unwind intentions and a potential December rate hike.

Kelly Loses Control As "Vacationing" Trump Unleashes Angriest Tweetstorm Yet

Just days after the Wall Street Journal and others reported that Trump's new Chief of Staff, General John Kelly, had taken steps to "control" the flow of information on the President's twitter feed, America will wake up this morning to one of his longest tweet storms yet.  Not surprisingly, this latest rant started off by ripping into the "Failing NYTimes" and other "24/7 Fake News" outlets...

The failing @nytimes, which has made every wrong prediction about me including my big election win (apologized), is totally inept!

