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Kelly Loses Control As "Vacationing" Trump Unleashes Angriest Tweetstorm Yet

Just days after the Wall Street Journal and others reported that Trump's new Chief of Staff, General John Kelly, had taken steps to "control" the flow of information on the President's twitter feed, America will wake up this morning to one of his longest tweet storms yet.  Not surprisingly, this latest rant started off by ripping into the "Failing NYTimes" and other "24/7 Fake News" outlets...

The failing @nytimes, which has made every wrong prediction about me including my big election win (apologized), is totally inept!


The Trump base is far bigger &  stronger than ever before (despite some phony Fake News polling). Look at rallies in Penn, Iowa, Ohio and West Virginia. The fact is the Fake News Russian collusion story, record Stock Market, border security, military strength, jobs, Supreme Court pick, economic enthusiasm, deregulation & so much more have driven the Trump base even closer together. Will never change!


Hard to believe that with 24/7 #Fake News on CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS, NYTIMES & WAPO, the Trump base is getting stronger!


...but then quickly moved on to the "phony Vietnam con artist," Senator Richard Blumenthal.

Interesting to watch Senator Richard Blumenthal of Connecticut talking about hoax Russian collusion when he was a  phony Vietnam con artist!


Never in U.S.history has anyone lied or defrauded voters like Senator Richard Blumenthal. He told stories about his Vietnam battles and conquests, how brave he was, and it was all a lie. He cried like a baby and begged for forgiveness like a child. Now he judges collusion?


All of which kind of makes you wonder whether General John Kelly has already lost control of the White House and what that might mean for his future.