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Mass Exodus: 1 Million People Have Ditched New York Since 2010

Mass Exodus:  1 Million People Have Ditched New York Since 2010

The folks of New York City seem to be slowly waking up to the fact that there are a whole lot of places to live in between America's two shores that cost a lot less money, enjoy much better weather and don't tax their citizens to death.  According to the latest data from the United States Census Bureau, the New York area has lost a total of nearly 1 million residents to domestic migration in just the past 6 years alone.

Tucker Carlson: 'Our Laws Provide No Serious Protection From Being Spied Upon for Political Reasons'

Tucker Carlson tackled the subject of Susan Rice and privacy this evening -- drawing a red line in the sand -- proclaiming that 'our laws provided no serious protections from being spied on for political reasons.'

Can anyone make an argument proving this to be a false statement?

Rand Paul: Rice Should Testify Under Oath If Obama Ordered Her To "Unmask" Trump Team

Rand Paul: Rice Should Testify Under Oath If Obama Ordered Her To "Unmask" Trump Team

After it emerged courtesy of Mike Cernovich that former National Security Advisor Susan Rice had made numerous requests to “unmask” the identities of Americans associated with President Trump in intelligence reports, senator Rand Paul who in recent days has been on increasingly better terms with the president and even went golfing with him this weekend, said Rice should testify under oath about her involvment in a potentially illegal scandal that she herself denied she had any knowledge of as recently as 2 weeks ago.

Cernovich Explains How He Learned About Susan Rice

Ever since Mike Cernovich dropped the bombshell report over the weekend outing Obama's National Security Advisor, Susan Rice, as the person behind the unmasking of the identity of various members of Trump's team who were 'incidentally' surveilled during the 2016 campaign (see "Confirmed: Susan Rice "Unmasked" Trump Team"), a report which was subsequently confirmed by Eli Lake of Bloomberg earlier this morning, everyone has been wondering who within the Trump White House or the intelligence community supplied him with such a massive scoop. 
