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Trump Blames Travel Chaos On Protesters, "Schumer's Tears"; Tweets "Nothing Nice About Searching For Terrorists"

In his first volley of tweets for the week, President Trump blamed protesters, Charles Schumer's "tears" and Delta's computer glitch for chaos at airports across the country in the aftermath of his executive order on immigration.He added that according to Secretary Kelly "all is going well with very few problems" and all-capped "MAKE AMERICA SAFE AGAIN""

The Justice System Is Criminal — Paul Craig Roberts

The Justice System Is Criminal

Paul Craig Roberts

On January 23, 2017, I asked, “Are Americans Racists?” I pointed out examples where racist explanations prevail over empirical fact. I did not write that there is no racism in America. I said that racism is not the be-all and end-all explanation of American history and institutions. The point I made is that racist explanations are often inadequate and both work against racial harmony and blind us to more general and more serious problems.

Starbucks Announces Plans To Hire 10,000 Refugees

With a relentless barrage of corporate executives taking veiled, and not so veiled, shots at Trump's immigration policies, moments ago Starbuck's outgoing CEO Howard Schultz went one better, and in a letter to employees, the CEO announced plans to hire some 10,000 refugees in the 75 countries in which Starbucks does business, and furthermore added that “our Partner Resources team has been in direct contact” with employees affected by President Trump’s immigration ban."

Don't Threaten Business With A "Border Tax" — Instead, Make America A Great Place To Do Business Again

Submitted by John Sulzer via The Mises Institute,

“They’re going to have to pay a border tax — a substantial border tax,” President Trump pledged Monday morning during a White House meeting with twelve CEOs including the heads of Dow Chemical, Proctor and Gamble, and Ford. He went on to make thinly veiled threats against the businessmen, saying, “All you have to do is stay. Don’t leave. Don’t fire your people in the United States.”
