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Shiller Warns US Stock Market 'Trump Effect' "Is Based On Illusion"

Authored by Robert Shiller, originally posted op-ed at The Guardian,

Speculative markets have always been vulnerable to illusion. But seeing the folly in markets provides no clear advantage in forecasting outcomes, because changes in the force of the illusion are difficult to predict.

In the US, two illusions have been important recently in financial markets.

Are Americans Racists?

Are Americans Racists?

Paul Craig Roberts

“Racist” is the favorite epithet of the left. Every white person (except leftists) is a racist by definition. As we are defined as racists based on our skin color, I am puzzled why we are called racists a second, third, and fourth time due to specific acts, such as favoring the enforcement of immigration laws. For example, President Donald Trump says he is going to enforce the immigration laws. For the left this is proof that Trump has put on the White Sheet and joined the KKK.

Frontrunning: January 23

  • Dollar slips, shares wobbly as Trump reality sets in (Reuters)
  • Some Republicans Wary of Repealing ACA Without Replacement Plan (WSJ)
  • First days of Trump era signal America's deepening political divide (Reuters)
  • Donald Trump Embarks on His First Week With a Heavy Slate (WSJ)
  • Equatorial Guinea has applied to join OPEC: OPEC source (Reuters)
  • White House Backs ‘Alternative Facts’ (WSJ)
  • Samsung says batteries caused Note 7 fires, may delay new phone launch (Reuters)
  • Trump Makes Revised Trade Deals an Early Priority (WSJ)

Trump: Congress To Vote On Bill To Leave The UN

Days after Trump’s inauguration, members of Congress are seizing the moment and pushing for America to exit the United Nations, introducing a bill to the House that will repeal the United Nations Participation Act of 1945 and reclaim full American sovereignty. Under a Trump presidency there is a growing belief that the idea of America exiting the UN is not only feasible but could capture the national imagination, as American citizens seek to defeat the corrupt global elite and regain control of their country.
