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US Intel Vets Demand Obama Show Proof of Russian Hacking or Admit It Doesn't Exist

Submitted by Alice Salles via,

A group of intelligence, military, and diplomatic veterans known as Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity, or VIPS, have signed a letter calling on President Barack Obama to release evidence regarding alleged Russian interference in the election. Otherwise, the letter asserts, the outgoing president must admit proof is lacking.

Washington D.C. Turned Into "Virtual Fortress" As 250,000 Protesters Descend Upon The City

Washington D.C. Turned Into "Virtual Fortress" As 250,000 Protesters Descend Upon The City

Over the past couple of days, we've highlighted a couple of the mass protests that are being planned by disaffected Hillary supporters in an effort to disrupt the various Trump inaugural events that get kicked off tomorrow evening.  Perhaps the most aggressive "disruptions" have been planned by groups called "DisruptJ20" and the "DC Anti-Fascist Coalition" and include plans to "paralyze the city" with "clusterfuck blockades" of bridges and tunnels, "stink bombs" in ventilation systems and chaining metro trains to station pl

US Government Caught Massively Fabricating Student Loan Default Data

US Government Caught Massively Fabricating Student Loan Default Data

Ever since 2012 we have warned that one of the biggest threats arising from the US student loan bubble - which is no longer disputed by anyone except perhaps members of the outgoing administration - is not that it is soaring at an unprecedented pace, that's obvious for anyone with the latest loan total number over $1.4 trillion, rising at a pace of nearly $100 billion per year, but that the government - either on purpose or due to honest miscalculation - was not correctly accounting for the true extent of delinquencies and defaults.

Where Is The Left-Wing When A Country Needs One?

Where Is The Left-Wing When A Country Needs One?

Paul Craig Roberts

I was about to write a detailed and favorable review of Greg Palast’s book, Billionaires & Ballot Bandits when a friend sent me a request to “share” Palast’s Facebook LIVE broadcast of Palast’s documentary exposing “exactly how Trump and his cronies attacked the voting rights of a million minority vorers to steal the White House.”
