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Why Millennials Are Behind: They Earn 20% Less Than Boomers Did At The Same Age

Why Millennials Are Behind: They Earn 20% Less Than Boomers Did At The Same Age

Over the past few years, as the Millennial generation has grown into its own, in 2016 surpassing Baby Boomers as the nation's largest living generation according to the Census (Americans aged 18-34 in 2015 now number 75.4 million, surpassing the 74.9 million Baby Boomers aged 51-69), in the process becoming the fulcrum support of the US economy, it has also prompted many questions: why aren't Millennials investing in the stock market? Why aren't they starting families and buying houses? Why are they living in their parents' basements well into their thirties? Why don't they just...

Chomsky Bewildered US Masses Allow ACA Slip Through Their Fingers

American linguistics professor Noam Chomsky believes the American healthcare system to be an “international scandal” which is going to get worse under President-elect Donald Trump. Chomsky, the distinguished scholar and author of over 100 books, wonders why the American masses are not in revolt as Republicans prepare to dismantle the Affordable Care Act (ACA).

Trump Says He Is Open To Lifting Russia Sanctions, Won't Label China Currency Manipulator "On Day One"

Trump Says He Is Open To Lifting Russia Sanctions, Won't Label China Currency Manipulator "On Day One"

In his first full interview of the new year, President-elect Donald Trump explains his approach to foreign policy from a "realpolitik" lens, when he told the WSJ overnight that relations with China and Russia will depend on the degree to which the two countries cooperate with U.S. economic, diplomatic and military priorities. 

Is This The Coup In America? "U.S. Troops On Russian Border" To Start War Before Inauguration

Is This The Coup In America? "U.S. Troops On Russian Border" To Start War Before Inauguration

Submitted by Mac Slavo via,

Is there a coup underway, while America is in the transition period, and before Trump swears in as the 45th president of the United States?

How real is the clash between the rogue Manhattan billionaire and the intelligence gang behind the throne? Who will win the struggle for power over foreign policy? These are serious times and require serious considerations.
