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Ron Paul: "US Interferes In Foreign Elections All The Time"

When asked whether all the "Russian hacking" allegations were just a simple "political stunt" or whether a serious investigation needed to be conducted, Ron Paul offered up a startling bit of reality pointing out that America has a long history of interfering with elections and even invading countries "to have our guy in."  We suspect the following response was a bit more truth than Fox Business News expected.

Save The Snowflakes

Our nation’s snowflakes are being cared for by colleges and universities across the country. These schools – no, HEROES – are financially supporting cry-ins, hot chocolate, bubbles, kittens, puppies and ponies, crayons, and Play-Doh to comfort these wounded snowflakes. Some schools even canceled exams and classes to ensure that America’s youth are treated with extra care and understanding during these difficult times.

But clearly, state funding – tax-payer dollars – are simply not enough.

U.S. Startups Increasingly Tapping Debt Markets As VCs Pullback From Egregious Valuations

U.S. Startups Increasingly Tapping Debt Markets As VCs Pullback From Egregious Valuations

After investing nearly $80 billion into startups in 2015, Venture Capitalists, growing slightly weary of the $1 billion valuations being handed out like candy to every 22 year old with an app that can replace your face with that of panda, have pulled back a bit in 2016 resulting in a 10% reduction in equity capital for America's graduating snowflakes.  But as Bloomberg points out, that's not a problem as many of Silicon Valley's revenue-free startups see debt capital as a better alternative anyway...sure, what could go wrong?

The US Presidency: How Important Is Hillary's 2,864,974 Popular-Vote Win?

The US Presidency: How Important Is Hillary's 2,864,974 Popular-Vote Win?

Submitted by Eric Zuesse via,

California alone accounted for all of Hillary’s popular-vote win, plus 1,405,004 votes

America’s Electoral College - the publicly elected representatives who select the U.S. President - voted on Monday, December 19th, and chose Donald Trump as America’s next President, though Hillary Clinton had won nearly three million more of the nation’s popular votes on November 8th than he did.
