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Trump 'Triggers' Social Media Over Democrat-Bashing Putin Tweet

President-elect Donald Trump 'triggered' the social media world into a frenzy Friday night with a tweet that praised Russian president Vladimir Putin's criticism of Democrats. As The Hill reports, Putin on Friday deflected accusations of Russian interference in the U.S. election, saying at a press conference: "Democrats are losing on every front and looking for people to blame everywhere. They need to learn to lose with dignity."

Later Friday, Trump piled on, lauding Putin and continuing his denial that Russia interfered in the election.

Former CIA Spy Has A Christmas Message For Trump

Former CIA Spy Has A Christmas Message For Trump

Submitted by Robert Steele via,

"Dear Mr. Trump,

I am among the tens of millions who voted for you, and also among the twenty thousand or so that spent fifteen months obsessively devoted to getting you elected. I went to bed in tears on election night, only to be woken at midnight by my wife to watch the miracle unfold. Perhaps someone will read this and in a second miracle, you will hear my voice. I am going to make seven points with seven paragraphs and seven graphics.

Irrational Exuberance in US Stock Market Grasps at 20K for Dow

Irrational Exuberance in US Stock Market Grasps at 20K for Dow

This article by David Haggith was first published on The Great Recession Blog:

Since Trump’s election, the US stock market has climbed unstoppably along a remarkably steep path to round off at a teetering height. Is this the irrational exuberance that typically marks the last push before a perilous plunge, or is the market reaching escape velocity from the relentless gravity of the Great Recession? 

Hillary Voters Ate Their Feelings On November 9th - Cheesecake Orders Surged 72%

Hillary Voters Ate Their Feelings On November 9th - Cheesecake Orders Surged 72%

On Novemer 9, 2016, America's pampered, Hillary-supporting snowflakes chose to express their complete devastation in a variety of ways.  Some took to the streets to riot and burn down entire city blocks of private property...

