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Saudi Arabia Lobbying To Amend Sept 11 Law

Saudi Arabia Lobbying To Amend Sept 11 Law

Following last week's report that Saudi Arabia is starting to apply pressure on the incoming Trump administration by hinting it could move the Aramco IPO away from New York to some still undeteremined venue due to concerns the recently passed Sept 11 law could make business in the US problematic, on Sunday Saudi Arabia's foreign minister said he has been lobbying US legislators to change a law allowing victims of the September 11, 2001 attacks to sue the kingdom.

Obama Becomes First Nobel Peace Prize Winner To Bomb 7 Countries

Barack Obama, the president who promised change, actually provided more of the same. As the 44th President of the United States prepares to exist stage left, he can congratulate himself on becoming the first Nobel Peace Prize winner to bomb seven different countries back to the Stone Age. The president who preached hope also kept the military-industrial complex in fine fettle, selling a record $115 billion in weapons to Saudi Arabia, the world’s most repressive regime, and destabilized entire regions, creating vacuums for terrorists to thrive.

Russophobia And Anti-Trumpism Running Wild In America

Authored by Steve Lendman,

War-profiteers, neocons infesting the Obama administration, the CIA under John Brennan, NSA head admiral Michael Rogers, and other pro-Hillary dark forces are going all-out to assure no change in US geopolitics - along with wanting Trump denied the presidency he legitimately won.

They notably want adversarial relations with Russia maintained, heading for war between the world’s leading nuclear powers if not stopped.

Damaging The Deep State: Trump, Russia, And China

Submitted by Alasdair Macleod via,

Even before he takes office, President-elect Trump is turning the world upside down.

It has become clear his attitude towards Russia and China is very different from that of his predecessors. Amazingly, he is already wresting power from the deep state, causing it great resentment, which under Obama, Clinton and the Bushes, ran geopolitical policy. From January, barring accidents the world will not be the same, the establishment up-ended.

Canada Sees 5x Surge In American Refugee Applications... To 28

Canada Sees 5x Surge In American Refugee Applications... To 28

Leading up to the 2016 Presidential election, dozens of overconfident celebrities and political figures promised to flee to Canada if Trump emerged victorious (we noted them all here: "These Are The Celebrities Who Vowed To Leave America If Trump Wins").  Unfortunately, none of them have announced plans to follow through on those promises despite news from Canada's immigration officials that applications for political refugee status from Americans was up 5x YoY in November.
