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Gold Star Family Of Dead Soldier Booed By "Disgusting" Passengers On Flight To Meet Son's Remains

Gold Star Family Of Dead Soldier Booed By "Disgusting" Passengers On Flight To Meet Son's Remains

Are you F**king serious, America??!!

The father of a soldier who was killed last weekend in Afghanistan was disappointed and hurt after airline passengers booed him and his family as they flew to meet his son’s remains. As McClatchy reports, Stewart Perry, an ex-Marine who lives in Stockton, said the ordeal left him feeling disrespected: "It was really disgusting on the passengers' part."

Kanye West Cuts Concert Short After Praising Trump: 'It's A New World, Hillary Clinton'

Following last week's surprise statement that "If I were to have voted I would have voted on Trump" by Kanye West, it appears the celebrities are now turning on one another as the cognitive dissonance bomb of a Trump win ripples through their minds. Billboard reports that Kanye went on another epic (aleit incomprehensible) rant during his Saint Pablo tour stop at Sacramento, that "sometime we be playing the politics too much," before ending the show after just 3 songs.

Schumer Says He Has The Votes To Block Dodd-Frank Repeal; Threatens Supreme Court Filibuster

One of the catalysts behind the surge in bank and financial stocks since the Trump victory, has been the market's expectation that the new administration will repeal Dodd-Frank, and thus undo years of regulatory hurdles that have prevent banks from engaging in everything from prop trading to levering substantially higher, and have cost them billions in legal fees and settlements.
