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With Friends Like These, Who Needs Enemies?

Submitted by John Whitehead via The Rutherford Institute,

As the grandfather of three young ones, ages 5 to 9, I get to see my fair share of kid movies: plenty of hijinks, lots of bathroom humor, and an endless stream of slapstick gags. Yet even among the worst of the lot, there’s something to be learned, some message being conveyed, or some aspect of our reality being reflected in celluloid.

Just Three Charts

Just Three Charts

With price-to-sales at it highest ever for US equities, we thought the following three simple charts may provide some cynical, skeptical, fiction-peddling facts as everyone waits for payrolls this week...

Earnings expectations remain entirely decoupled from equity index price 'reality'...


And While Industrial Production in America mattered for decades... stocks are ignoring the current recession-like plunge in output...

