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How "Nothing To Hide" Leads To "Nowhere To Hide" – Why Privacy Matters In An Age Of Tech Totalitarianism

How "Nothing To Hide" Leads To "Nowhere To Hide" – Why Privacy Matters In An Age Of Tech Totalitarianism

Via The Daily Bell,

Would you allow a government official into your bedroom on your honeymoon? Or let your mother-in-law hear and record every conversation that takes place in your home or car – especially disagreements with your husband or wife? Would you let a stranger sit in on your children’s playdates so that he could better understand how to entice them with candy or a doll?

SkyNet is Sentient and Will Destroy Your Investments and Pension

SkyNet is Sentient and Will Destroy Your Investments and Pension

SkyNet is Sentient and Will Destroy Your Investments and Pension


Cognitive Dissonance



Do you really want to know about how SkyNet controls your investments and pension via the various financial markets? I ask with all sincerity because the subject is not pleasant and may even be frightening to those who have followed a strict diet of financial ignorance.

Mnuchin "Not Worried" About Robotization Of America's Workforce Despite Shocking New Report

Mnuchin "Not Worried" About Robotization Of America's Workforce Despite Shocking New Report

Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said Friday that he wasn't worried about artificial intelligence taking over American jobs. However, on the same day, a new report by PwC showed that more than a third of U.S. jobs could be at "high risk" of automation by the early 2030s, a percentage that’s greater than in Britain, Germany and Japan.

It said that in the U.S., 38% of jobs could be at risk of automation, compared with 30% in Britain, 35% in Germany and 21% in Japan.
