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artificial intelligence

Stephen Hawking: ‘World Government’ Needed To Stop Robot Apocalypse

Stephen Hawking: ‘World Government’ Needed To Stop Robot Apocalypse

Professor Stephen Hawking has warned world leaders to keep artificial intelligence technology under control before it destroys humanity. The renowned physicist said humans need to find ways to identify threats posed by artificial intelligence before problems escalate. “Since civilisation began, aggression has been useful inasmuch as it has definite survival advantages,” the scientist said in an interview with the Times “It is hard-wired into our genes by Darwinian evolution.

Mad Merkel Says Robots Have ‘Same Rights As Humans’

Angela Merkel and her MEP chums in Europe are calling for a new law that would class robots as “electronic persons,” granting them the same rights as human beings.  The new law would mean that all types of artificial intelligence (AI) would be legally held responsible for their “acts or omissions”. reports: The European Parliament’s Legal Affairs Committee voted on the first ever report on robots on Friday.

Artificial Intelligence: Putting The 'AI' In Fail

Artificial Intelligence: Putting The 'AI' In Fail

Submitted by Andrew Orlowski via The Register,

“Fake news” vexed the media classes greatly in 2016, but the tech world perfected the art long ago. With “the internet” no longer a credible vehicle for Silicon Valley’s wild fantasies and intellectual bullying of other industries – the internet clearly isn’t working for people – “AI” has taken its place.

Almost everything you read about AI is fake news. The AI coverage comes from a media willing itself into the mind of a three year old child, in order to be impressed.

Artificial Intelligence Gets A Job At World’s Largest Hedge Fund

Management at the world’s largest hedge fund is to be automated and replaced with artificial intelligence. A computer software algorithm will decide the day-to-day management at Bridgewater Associates LP, the world’s largest hedge-fund firm. The global labour force is being replaced and managed by artificial intelligence and robotic automation. Various estimates suggest the American employment mill could shrink by 30% by the year 2025. The United Nations’ assessment is even grimmer. They project two-thirds of the human workforce will be replaced in the next decade.
