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How "Nothing To Hide" Leads To "Nowhere To Hide" – Why Privacy Matters In An Age Of Tech Totalitarianism

How "Nothing To Hide" Leads To "Nowhere To Hide" – Why Privacy Matters In An Age Of Tech Totalitarianism

Via The Daily Bell,

Would you allow a government official into your bedroom on your honeymoon? Or let your mother-in-law hear and record every conversation that takes place in your home or car – especially disagreements with your husband or wife? Would you let a stranger sit in on your children’s playdates so that he could better understand how to entice them with candy or a doll?

Sleepy Overnight Session Interrupted By Chinese Market Turmoil

Sleepy Overnight Session Interrupted By Chinese Market Turmoil

Another new week, another day with not much going on. So much, or rather little so, that in its daily wrap Citi starts off with the following: "Pop Art pioneer Andy Warhol, who once said “I like boring things”, would have been a huge fan of today’s session thus far. Though several events of note linger on the horizon for later this week, G10 is firmly on the beach as of this morning."
