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Global Bond Rout Sends S&P Futures, European Stocks Sliding

Global Bond Rout Sends S&P Futures, European Stocks Sliding

S&P futures are sliding this morning, down 0.4% and tracking the accelerating decline in European and Asian stocks, driven by a move higher in global interest rates, which started with Japanese 10Y yields rising to 0.1% for the first time since February, but mostly Bund yields which spiked after tripping stops, and jumped as high as 0.53% for the first time since early 2016. Oil climbs, dollar and gold slide. Economic data include initial jobless claims, trade balance, Markit PMI readings.

EU Regulators Take Aim At London's Asset-Management Industry

EU Regulators Take Aim At London's Asset-Management Industry

Brexit negotiations officially began three weeks ago, and whether the UK will retain access to the European Union’s single financial market once they’re over is unknown. Yet that hasn’t stopped regulators on the Continent from taking a swipe at more than a trillion euros in assets, and thousands of well-paying finance jobs required to manage them, that they think belong on the other side of the English Channel.

One Trader Warns "Many Assets Are Ripe For A Correction" & Korea Is The Excuse To Sell

One Trader Warns "Many Assets Are Ripe For A Correction" & Korea Is The Excuse To Sell

With Emerging Market bonds suffering sudden and large outflows (after reaching record low levels of risk), IPOs collapsing, and 'no brainer' FANG stocks unable to keep a bid, it appears - despite the hype of a 30-component-index heavily weighted towards financials being near its record highs - that all is not well in the "buy everything.. especially the highest beta crap" investing world in which traders have become so used to existing.
