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Mapped: Which Ports are Receiving the Most Russian Fossil Fuel Shipments?

As the invasion of Ukraine wears on, European countries are scrambling to find alternatives to Russian fossil fuels.

In fact, an estimated 93% of Russian oil sales to the EU are due to be eliminated by the end of the year, and many countries have seen their imports of Russian gas plummet. Despite this, Russia earned €93 billion in revenue from fossil fuel exports in the first 100 days of the invasion.

Visualizing the Coming Shift in Global Economic Power (2006-2036p)

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Zinc: A Life Saving Commodity

The following content is sponsored by the Teck

Zinc: A Life Saving Commodity

Zinc is crucial for body growth, brain development, and helps fight dangerous infections, especially in children.

However, the reality is that millions around the world lack sufficient zinc in their diets in order to live healthy lives.

This graphic, sponsored by Teck, shows how zinc supplementation could save millions of lives.

Why Zinc?
