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Global Stocks Rise To Record Highs As Tax Reform Is "Priced In" All Over Again

Global Stocks Rise To Record Highs As Tax Reform Is "Priced In" All Over Again

Yesterday we joked that with the US House of Representatives set to vote for the GOP tax bill on Tuesday, markets would "price in" the same tax legislation they have been pricing in every day for the past year, all over again...

Trump Takes Aim At China, Russia In Unipolar-World-Order-Defending National Security Strategy

Trump Takes Aim At China, Russia In Unipolar-World-Order-Defending National Security Strategy

President Trump is expected to release the new National Security Strategy for the United States this afternoon. We discussed the potential drivers behing his reportedly aggressive stance yesterday, but the bigger questions remain...

Will it rein in some of the global adventurism of the Bush and Obama presidencies?


Will it correct the gaping disconnect between what the White House says about places like North Korea and what the Secretary of State says?


Global Stocks Roar To Record Highs As Tax Reform Is "Priced In" All Over Again

Global Stocks Roar To Record Highs As Tax Reform Is "Priced In" All Over Again

Global stocks and US equity futures roared upward to new record highs to start the second-to-last week of the year, boosted by optimism over a Republican agreement on the shape of U.S. tax cuts aimed at lifting growth; incidentally this is the 6th consecutive day that the "tax bill" has been priced in by the market, and according to cynics, 6th consecutive week and/or 6th month. Meanwhile, the dollar dropped and Treasuries headed lower.
