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Senior Russian Diplomat Found Dead In Athens

A murder investigation has been launched after the head of the Russian Consular service in Athens was found dead in his home in Greece. According to Greek police,  a senior diplomat at Russia’s embassy in Athens was found dead in his apartment. The death comes just weeks after Russia’s ambassador to Turkey was gunned down in Ankara. According to Press TV: According to Protothema portal on Monday, 55-year-old Russian consul, Andrei Malanin was found dead on his bathroom floor by another member of embassy staff.

Former Fed Advisor: State Pensions Time Bomb Spells Disaster For The US

Former Fed Advisor: State Pensions Time Bomb Spells Disaster For The US

Underfunded government pensions to the tune of $1.3 trillion, with a gap that just can’t be filled, is the ticking time bomb facing the US economy which faces dramatic cuts in public services - and potentially riots reminiscent of Athens six years ago - according to former Federal Reserve advisor, and President of Money Strong, Danielle DiMartino Booth.

Europe "Infuriated" By Greek Decision To Give Impoverished Pensioners A Christmas Bonus

On Wednesday, Greek yields surged when it emerged that diplomatic relations between Greece and the Eurogroup had broken down once again, after European finance ministers suspended negotiations over granting short-term debt relief to Greece as a result of pledges by embattled Greek PM Tsipras unexpectedly said he would grant low-income pensioners a pre-Christmas payoff by spending €600 million to the nation's 1 million low-income pensioners, to replace a Christmas bonus scrapped by the Greek bailout supervisors.

Showdown! In Leaked Letter IMF Tells Germany “Debt Relief For Greece Or IMF Drops Out”

Submitted by Mish Shedlock of MishTalk

Showdown! In Leaked Letter IMF Tells Germany “Debt Relief For Greece Or IMF Drops Out”

It’s showdown time.

The IMF has threatened it will pull out of the Greek bailout program unless Greece gets debt relief.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Austria, Finland, and the other Eurozone creditors will not like today’s development one bit.



Please consider IMF Tells Eurozone to Start Greek Debt Talks.
