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"Fast-Forward On The Decline Of America" - Australian Reporter's Anti-Trump Tirade Goes Viral

"Fast-Forward On The Decline Of America" - Australian Reporter's Anti-Trump Tirade Goes Viral

Chris Uhlmann, the political editor at the government-funded Australian Broadcasting Corporation, is now a 'celebrity' worldwide after his anti-Trump tirade live on Aussie TV went viral on Twitter.

As The Hill reports, his blistering critique began by calling Trump an “uneasy, lonely, awkward figure” who had “no desire and no capacity to lead the world” in a two-minute report from the streets of Hamburg after the summit wrapped up.

"Stressed" Australians Struggle With Record Debts As Housing Market Overheats

"Stressed" Australians Struggle With Record Debts As Housing Market Overheats

Australians are dialing back their spending on everything from clothes to cars as sky-high housing costs, the result of a housing bubble fueled by Chinese buyers, threaten to finally derail the country’s twin asset bubbles - housing and stocks.

But rising mortgage debt isn’t the only thing squeezing Australian customers, as Reuters reports. Inflation on essential items like food, electricity and insurance is accelerating, meaning Australians are also paying higher prices for basic consumer goods.

Bill Introduced Allowing Cancellation Of Over $1 Trillion In Student Debt Through Bankruptcy

Bill Introduced Allowing Cancellation Of Over $1 Trillion In Student Debt Through Bankruptcy

Courtesy of Sov Man's Simon Black, here are several of the most bizarre legal anecdotes to take place in the US and around the globe over the past week, staring with a bill currently making its way through Congress, which is seeking to wipe out over $1 trillion in student loans.

* * *

A Convenient Way to Cancel a Trillion Dollars of Debt

What happened:

Australia Has The World's Worst Money-Laundering Property Market

Australia Has The World's Worst Money-Laundering Property Market

Authored by Leith van Onselen via,

Transparency International has released a new report, entitled Doors Wide Open: Corruption and Real Estate in Four Key Markets, which has identified Australia, Canada, the UK and the USA as the top four spots targeted by corrupt officials or criminals for real estate crime

Australia is the worst, failing to address 10-out-of-10 loopholes.

Below are the key extracts:
