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Australian Banks Deny "Speculative Bubble" Driving Home Prices To Record Highs

Australian Banks Deny "Speculative Bubble" Driving Home Prices To Record Highs

The basic laws of physics have seemingly ceased to exist in Australia...water is no longer wet, the sky is no longer blue and home prices are not in a "speculative bubble," at least according to some conflicted commercial banking executives who are massively long Australian housing. 

Testifying before a parliamentary committee, the chief executives of National Australia Bank, Westpac Banking and Commonwealth Bank of Australia all said that while they are worried about elements of the housing market, prices aren’t over-inflated.  Per Bloomberg:

Are Australia’s banks going bust in a loud boom? All of the signs point that way!

As 2016 drew to a close, even as US bank stocks posted some of the biggest gains since Mr. Trump got elected, it seemed their counterparts down-under aren’t doing that well! All signs point to a huge weakening in Aussie bank stocks in 2017. But the bigger question is: Will we hear a loud boom as banks down under go bust?


2017 Economic Headwinds: Housing Bubbles Popping up and Just Plain Popping Everywhere

2017 Economic Headwinds: Housing Bubbles Popping up and Just Plain Popping Everywhere

 The following article by David Haggith was first published on The Great Recession Blog:

As we enter 2017, housing bubbles are showing signs of bursting all over the world. I know I’ve been promising I would lay out the economic headwinds for 2017, but 2017’s headwinds are building so fast and furious that I’m having to break that promised article out into several articles, as I’m accumulating material faster than I have time to cover.
