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Behind Vancouver's Housing Bubble: How Canadian Casinos Are Use To Launder Millions In Chinese Drug Money

Behind Vancouver's Housing Bubble: How Canadian Casinos Are Use To Launder Millions In Chinese Drug Money

Nearly two years after we first observed that Vancouver's soaring real estate market is nothing but a bubbling melange of criminal Chinese oligarch "hot money", desperate to get parked offshore in any piece of real estate, but mostly in British Columbia regardless of price, a new multi-year investigation has uncovered extensive links - including money laundering and underground banking - between China's criminal underworld and British Columbia drug and casino cash and VIPs, as well as their connections to China, Macau and the notorious triads.

China's "Ghost Collateral" Arrives In Canada, "Heralding A Crisis"

China's "Ghost Collateral" Arrives In Canada, "Heralding A Crisis"

Two weeks ago, a key China-linked concern that made headlines back in 2013 and 2014 reemerged after an extensive analysis by Reuters reporter Engen Tham found that China's "ghost collateral" problem, or collateral that was either rehypothecated between two or more loans, or simply did not exist, had not only not gone away but was still as prevalent as ever if not worse.

Shifting Power: Visualizing The World's Largest Cities For The Last 6000 Years

Shifting Power: Visualizing The World's Largest Cities For The Last 6000 Years

In 300 B.C., Carthage was one of the world’s largest cities with up to 700,000 people living within its walls. The Carthaginian republic was a force to be reckoned with, controlling inconceivable amounts of wealth and land all around the Mediterranean.

However, just over a century later in 146 B.C., Carthage was burnt to the ground by the Romans. The destruction of Carthage was so thorough that many things are still not known about their civilization today. Carthage went from being a major power to literally being wiped off of the map.

Fukushima: Radioactive Salmon Discovered In Canada

Radioactive salmon due to Fukushima contamination has been discovered in British Columbia, Canada, by a team of research scientists from the University of Victoria.  Seaborne Cesium 123,  which is thought to be an indicator of nuclear contamination from Fukushima, was detected on the West coast of the US this month. reports: WHOI is a crowd-funded science seawater sampling project, that has been monitoring the radioactive plume making its way across the Pacific to America’s west coast, from the demolished Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant in eastern Japan.
