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Brussels-Capital Region

Belgian Government Knew Precise Details About Attacks, But Did Nothing

Belgian and Western authorities knew the details about the ISIS attack in Brussels on Tuesday, but failed to do anything about it.  The Belgian security services knew precise details about the attack plan, which was formulated at the de-factor ISIS capital of Raqqa, in Syria. reports: The security services knew, with a high degree of certainty, that attacks were planned in the very near future for the airport and, apparently, for the subway as well.

Teen Survives 3rd Attack – First Boston, Then Paris, Now Brussels

A 19-year-old Mormon missionary from the US was injured in the Brussels terror attacks had, according to the Daily Mail, unbelievably survived both the Boston bombing and the Paris terror attacks of 2015: ISIS has claimed responsibility for the double blasts, which left at least 34 people dead including three of the terrorists and nearly 200 people injured.   The State Department said Wednesday that at least 12 Americans have been injured in the attacks, including Mormon missionary Mason Wells, 19, his two colleagues, a U.S.

Note Left By Brussels Suicide Bomber Found On Computer In Trash Can

One of the Brussels suicide bombers allegedly left a note on a computer which was found in a trash can during an anti-terrorist raid, Belgium’s federal prosecutor said. Federal Prosecutor Frederic Van Leeuw said that Ibrahim El Bakraoui, who blew himself up at the Brussels’ Zaventem Airport on Tuesday, wrote that he felt increasingly unsafe, didn’t know what to do and feared going to prison. RT reports: Before the attacks Ibrahim left a note, where he wrote that he felt increasingly unsafe and feared landing up in prison.

ISIS: Future Attacks Require No ‘Authorisation’ From Our Leaders

ISIS have issued a statement following the attack in Brussels, saying that they intend to commit to further numerous small-scale attacks in Belgium and Europe – without the need for centralised coordination or authority from their leaders.  ISIS say that individual militants and cells are now free to operate semi-independently – opening the gates for many more spontaneous attacks throughout Europe.

Did Donald Trump “Predict” The Brussels Terror Attack?

Some people are saying that Donald Trump “predicted” the Brussels terror attack two months prior to the event! Outlets, like, are pointing towards two key points which allegedly suggest Donald Trump actually “predicted” what was to come. The first piece of evidence is a New York Times article titled, “Donald Trump Finds New City to Insult: Brussels”. The second is a video where Trump mentions Brussels as a place where bad stuff is going on… But what is the truth?
