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ESPN And The Bursting Of The Sports Bubble

Authored by William Anderson via The Mises Institute,

When the cable TV sports giant ESPN announced 100 layoffs recently, including letting go a number of high-profile broadcasters, a lot of people took notice, and well they should: things no longer are business as usual in sports broadcasting, and we are not even at the beginning of the end, and maybe not even the end of the beginning.

David Rosenberg: "We Probably Will Have A Recession Next Year"

David Rosenberg: "We Probably Will Have A Recession Next Year"

While every investor wishes they had a crystal ball, there’s one thing, says David Rosenberg chief economist at Gluskin Sheff, that has predicted imminent recessions without fail. Speaking at the Strategic Investment Conference in Orlando, Florida, Rosenberg pointed out that since 1950, there have been 13 cycles where the Federal Reserve tightened interest rates… and 10 of them ended in recession. This is also something which BofA's Michael Hartnett pointed out in early March, laying it out concisely on the following chart.

As Markets Hit Record Highs, Stock Ownership Is Down (Except For Old & Rich People)

As Markets Hit Record Highs, Stock Ownership Is Down (Except For Old & Rich People)

Gallup released a poll Thursday showing that overall stock ownership among US adults remains 8 percentage points below its pre-crisis level. But even as the crisis appears to have scared many Americans away from owning stocks, there are two demographic subgroups where ownership has held firm: Adults aged 65 and older and those with an annual household income of $100,000 or more.

Another shoe drops in the FX fraud manipulation conspiracy

Another shoe drops in the FX fraud manipulation conspiracy

FX is quite literally, a rigged game.  Not like the stock market, well not exactly.  FX has been, a game of 'how many numbers am I holding behind my back?' and the guess is always wrong!  As we explain in Splitting Pennies Understanding Forex - FX is rigged.  But that doesn't mean there isn't opportunity!  One just needs to understand it.

From Law 360:
