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Don’t End the Fed, Ignore the Fed: How to Distance Yourself From a Collapse

Via The Daily Bell

I like mom and pop family owned restaurants, and local craft breweries, two businesses that are currently doing great in America.

Giant corporations, on the other hand, are legally bound to the government, which causes most of the corruption in the corporate and government world. They end up taking advantage of people and bludgeoning their competitors using the government.

For The First Time Ever, European Equities Yield More Than Junk Bonds

For The First Time Ever, European Equities Yield More Than Junk Bonds

Last week, when looking at the the distortion and absurdity unleashed by the ECB's asset purchase program upon European capital markets, we showed the unprecedented collapse in European junk bond yields as captured by the effective yield of the BofA/ML Euro High Yield Index, which is now trading just shy of all time lows, having dropped below 3% at the end of April, and printed at 2.79% on May 23, within bps of record lows...

Gold and Silver Bullion Now Treated As Money In Arizona

Gold and Silver Bullion Now Treated As Money In Arizona

Gold and Silver Bullion Now Treated As Money In Arizona

by Ron Paul Liberty Report staff

Undermining the Federal Reserve received a major boost yesterday.

Arizona Governor Doug Ducey signed into law a bill that eliminates capital gains taxes on gold and silver, thus allowing Arizona residents to use precious metals as currency instead of Federal Reserve notes.
