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Greek Authorities To Launch Mass Confiscation Of Safe Deposit Boxes, Securities, Homes In Tax-Evasion Crackdown

Greek Authorities To Launch Mass Confiscation Of Safe Deposit Boxes, Securities, Homes In Tax-Evasion Crackdown

Last week, the Greek parliament once again approved more austerity to unlock withheld Greek bailout funds in Brussels: a symbolic move, which has little impact without any actual follow through, like for example, actually imposing austerity. And while Greeks have been very good in the former (i.e. promises), they have been severely lacking in the latter (i.e. delivery).

Softbank Chairman Making Good On Promise To Invest Billions In the US

Softbank Chairman Making Good On Promise To Invest Billions In the US

Looks like Softbank Group Chairman Masayoshi Son is making good on his promise to invest billions and create tens of thousands of jobs in the U.S.

The Softbank Vision Fund, now the world’s largest private-equity fund, announced on Saturday that it has raised over $93 billion to invest in technology like artificial intelligence and robotics, Reuters reported.

Timeshare Fraud - the hot new securities fraud

Timeshare Fraud - the hot new securities fraud

Every now and again we at Elite E Services stumble upon business models in the course of our operation that are sometimes interesting but alarming at the same time - in this case, timeshare fraud.  After having our head held under water by combination of ugly circumstances (tough regulation making business impossible but at the same time losing millions to Forex fraudsters which ironically the regulations failed to stop); we are sensitive on fraud - especially that which does not appear to be on the surface!  And as markets evolve, so do fraud models.. 

Markets Face A Brutal "Margin Call" If Trump Loses Any More Credibility, Deutsche Warns

Markets Face A Brutal "Margin Call" If Trump Loses Any More Credibility, Deutsche Warns

It took the Fed several long years to discover just how reflexive and circular the relationship it had established with the stock market had become. The Fed's Catch-22 was first observed back in September 2013, when as the Fed was still debating whether to taper or not caught in a vicious cycle where any hint it would ultimately end QE would be met with a prompt selloff, Deutsche Bank explained how it had found itself in such a reflexive mess:

Collecting $1 Of Student Debt Costs American Taxpayers $38

Collecting $1 Of Student Debt Costs American Taxpayers $38

Authored by Jim Quinn via The Burning Platform blog, 

Your government at work with your tax dollars.


Loan billions to brain dead teenagers so they can pretend to get smart in college. When they fail miserably due to the fact after twelve years of public school government indoctrination they can’t read, write or add, the government pays slimy collection agencies to get these unemployed dolts to pay up.

