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What David Tepper Bought (Besides SNAP) And Sold In Q1: The Full Breakdown

What David Tepper Bought (Besides SNAP) And Sold In Q1: The Full Breakdown

Yes, David Tepper's Appaloosa bought Snapchat in Q1. No, it wasn't a material amount: he only bought a 100,000 share flier in the name, or under $2.3 million.

What is most notable about Tapper's Q1 holdings (aside from the SNAP non-story, of course) is that he took his total long stake to just under $6.1 billion as of March 31, up from $5.6 billion at the end of 2016, and the highest net long exposure since September 2014.

Here is a breakdown of the key position changes for Tepper as of March 31:

The Great Shadow Unwind: Chinese Entrusted Loans Post First Decline In 10 Years

The Great Shadow Unwind: Chinese Entrusted Loans Post First Decline In 10 Years

With everyone, including Pimco, now acknowledging what we said most recently in February, namely that China's credit impulse is the main, if not only variable, that determines the fate of global reflation ...

... the latest credit numbers released by the PBOC overnight very closely watched by macro traders around the globe in light of the ongoing liquidity discussions surrounding the deleveraging narrative. 
