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Trader: "The Bigger Picture On Oil Is Far More Negative"

Trader: "The Bigger Picture On Oil Is Far More Negative"

With oil prices spiking nearly 10% from last Friday's sudden, capitulation "flash crash" which was perhaps driven by Pierre Andurand liquidating his entire long book, there has been a scramble by analysts to "fit" the narrative to the price action and the sudden change in momentum, most notably by Goldman, which continues to pump one after another bullish crude note, we suppose because Goldman's prop trading desk still has some oil left to sell to clients.

An Epic Trading Take From Norway

An Epic Trading Take From Norway

Authored by Kevin Muir via The Macro Tourist blog,

We all know Buffett’s line about sitting around the poker table, but too often, we fail to apply it in our day to day trading or investing. It’s easy to fall for the latest story sweeping Wall Street without thinking about the next move, or who the narrative benefits. I am by no means immune.

Visualizing Who Holds U.S. Debt Internationally

Visualizing Who Holds U.S. Debt Internationally

We recommend viewing the full-size version of today’s infographic by clicking here.

Everyone knows that the U.S. Federal Government has roughly $20 trillion of debt. A question we often get, however, is who exactly owns all these treasuries? And if it’s held abroad by countries like China, what portion do they hold?

Today’s infographic comes from TitleMax, and it looks at who owns U.S. debt internationally, as well as the debt from other countries that is held by the U.S.


Courtesy of: Visual Capitalist


Do Americans Eat In Or Out?

Do Americans Eat In Or Out?

In the aftermath of today's woeful results from Macy's, Kohl's and Nordstrom's, It may sound surprising, but there is one US industry that is doing even worse than "bricks and mortar" retail - restaurants. For those unfamiliar, we urge readers to skim our latest analysis of the state of the US restaurant indstry, which just suffered its worst monthly collapse since 2009. For everyone else, ahead of tomorrow's retail sales report, here are some evening thoughts from Bank of America on the divergence in eating patterns across America.
