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This Bubble Finally Burst - Which One's Next?

This Bubble Finally Burst - Which One's Next?

Authored by Simon Black via,

Like so many other high-flying Silicon Valley startups, Clinkle was supposed to ‘make the world a better place’.

Founded in 2011 by a guy barely out of his teens, the company picked up early buzz after proclaiming they would disrupt mobile payments. Or something.

Silicon Valley venture capital firms were apparently so impressed with the idea that they showered the company with an unprecedented level of cash.

Baltimore Millennials' "City Life" Narrative Starts To Crack

Baltimore Millennials' "City Life" Narrative Starts To Crack


In the Federal Reserve’s zero lower bound, the millennial generation in Baltimore has been flocking to the city on an illusionary premise of Baltimore’s revival. One of the largest narrative’s in Baltimore was Under Armour’s deployment of gentrification via Kevin Plank’s Sagamore Developments. The narrative has held strong for the past decade inducing millennials to move to the city and buy real estate. In recent times, the narrative has started to crack with with the recent -65% crash in Under Armour’s equity.
