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JD Power Lowers 2017 Auto SAAR As High Discounts "Threaten Industry's Long-Term Health"

JD Power Lowers 2017 Auto SAAR As High Discounts "Threaten Industry's Long-Term Health"

After a disappointing March for the auto OEM's, a hopeful wall street has set it's sites on a rebound in April with consensus SAAR estimates currently set at 17.25 million, up from 16.53 million in March.  Per the chart below, the March 2017 print for auto sales was the lowest in over two years, despite massive incentive spending by the OEMs.


Of course, OEMs didn't bother to adjust production levels to sinking sales which pushed inventory days to the highest March print since 2009.


Fannie Introduces "Innovative Solutions" Allowing Student-Debt-Laden Millennials To Buy A Home

Fannie Introduces "Innovative Solutions" Allowing Student-Debt-Laden Millennials To Buy A Home

So what do you do when a massive student loan bubble results in crippling leverage for an entire generation of your population rendering them financially unqualified to obtain mortgage financing and their 'God-given right' to a slice of the 'American Dream'?  Well, you simply change the rules to allow mortgage lenders to ignore all that pesky student debt...anything less would simply be evil and potentially racist, sexist and all sorts of other -ist words.

Chinese Stocks Give Up Trump Gains As $1.7 Trillion Source Of Funds Unwinds

Chinese Stocks Give Up Trump Gains As $1.7 Trillion Source Of Funds Unwinds

The Chinese and U.S. stock markets are going in opposite directions, as an intensifying crackdown against leverage has slammed the recently 'stable' Shanghai Composite over the past week, erasing all post-Trump gains.

The relatsionship between the two markets is the weakest since August 2008 - just before the collapse of Lehman unleashed chaos on the global financial system.

Housing's Echo Bubble Now Exceeds The 2006-07 Bubble Peak

Housing's Echo Bubble Now Exceeds The 2006-07 Bubble Peak

Authored by Charles Hugh-Smith via OfTwoMinds blog,

If you need some evidence that the echo-bubble in housing is global, take a look at this chart of Sweden's housing bubble.

A funny thing often occurs after a mania-fueled asset bubble pops: an echo-bubble inflates a few years later, as monetary authorities and all the institutions that depend on rising asset valuations go all-in to reflate the crushed asset class.
