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Consumer Confidence Stumbles As Stock Market Optimism Plunges Most In 15 Months

Consumer Confidence Stumbles As Stock Market Optimism Plunges Most In 15 Months

After rising almost incessantly for the last few months (post-trump), The Conference Board's consumer confidence index dropped in April (though remains near decade-long highs) with a notable drop in 'expectations' (and business conditions weakening).


This is yet another 'soft' survey catching down to 'hard' data's reality.

Sweden’s Gold Reserves: 10,000 gold bars (pet rocks) shrouded in Official Secrecy

Sweden’s Gold Reserves: 10,000 gold bars (pet rocks) shrouded in Official Secrecy

Submitted by Ronan Manly,

In February 2017 while preparing for a presentation in Gothenburg about central bank gold, I emailed Sweden’s central bank, the Riksbank, enquiring whether the Riksbank physically audits Sweden’s gold and whether it would provide me with a gold bar weight list of Sweden’s gold reserves (gold bar holdings). The Swedish official gold reserves are significant and amount to 125.7 tonnes, making the Swedish nation the world’s 28th largest official gold holder.
