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New Poll Finds Record Number Of Americans Want More Government In Their Lives

New Poll Finds Record Number Of Americans Want More Government In Their Lives

Authored by Simon Black via,

In a poll conducted a few days ago by NBC News / Wall Street Journal, a record 57% of Americans responded that they want MORE government in their lives, and that the government should be doing more to solve people’s problems.

That’s the highest percentage since they started asking this question in 1995.

In fact, 57% is nearly double what people responded in the mid-90s.

Trump To Order Corporate Tax Rate Cut To 15%, Load Up To $2 Trillion In Extra Debt

Ahead of Trump's much anticipated tax announcement on Wednesday, the WSJ reports that the president has ordered his (mostly ex-Goldman) White House aides to accelerate efforts to create a tax plan "slashing the corporate rate to 15% and prioritizing cuts in tax rates over an attempt to not increase the deficit" which means that without an offsetting source of revenue, Trump is about to unleash the debt spigots, a proposal which will face fierce pushback from conservatives as it is nothing more than a continuation of the status quo under the Obama administration, and may well be DOA.

June Rate Hike Odds Soar To 69% As Debt Ceiling Looms

It appears the hope that a centrist candidate will win the French election is enough to trump tumbling macro-economic data, disappointing earnings, and flailing inflation in the US economy. June rate hike odds have spiked to 69% overnight (even as debt ceiling risks begin to price in... and the dollar drops)...

So The Fed gets the all-clear from the market to hike in June...


Even as the Treasury Bill curve inverts over debt ceiling fears...


And the Dollar is not buying it at all...
