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Chinese Exports Surge Most In 2 Years But Goldman Warns It Won't Continue

Chinese Exports Surge Most In 2 Years But Goldman Warns It Won't Continue

Amid all the chaos of lunar new year adjustments, Chinese exports in March surged 16.4% YoY (-1.3% YoY in Feb) - the biggest jump since Feb 2015. Import growth fell back from February's surge (but surprised to the upside). Furthermore, China's trade surplus with the United States, another bone of contention for Trump, widened in March from February.


Turkey To Confiscate Gold "To Help Citizens Earn Money"

Turkey To Confiscate Gold "To Help Citizens Earn Money"

Authored by Martin Armstrong via,

The dwindling credit of Turkey and significant decline in its currency, has led to the new clever idea of confiscating gold with a smile.

The Turkish Central Bank has come up with an idea of how to confiscate private gold while pretending they are helping you earn more money. Their objective is to make the private gold stocks of the citizens available to the financial system for themselves, but how to sell that to the people?
