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Strange Moves In Gold, Federal Reserve Policy, And Fundamentals

Strange Moves In Gold, Federal Reserve Policy, And Fundamentals

Authored by Pater Tenebrarum via,

Counterintuitive Moves

Something odd happened late in the day in Wednesday’s trading session, which prompted a number of people to mail in comments or ask a question or two. Since we have discussed this issue previously, we decided this was a good opportunity to briefly elaborate on the topic again in these pages.

More Fake News From Washington

More Fake News From Washington
this time it is about employment

Paul Craig Roberts

The US government continues to lie about everything, not just Russia, Syria, Iran, and China. The US government is incapable of telling the truth about something as straightforward as employment. According to the government, March produced only 98,000 new payroll jobs, an insufficient amount to reduce unemployment, but the unemployment rate fell from 4.7 to 4.5 percent.

Will Trump Stop Plans to Ban Cash in the US?

The biggest trend that continues “behind the scenes” is the War on Cash.

Anyone who believed that the political shift towards nationalism would somehow result in the elites giving up their Central Planning schemes is mistaken.

Consider Europe…

Recently, the European Union announced it would start researching whether or not to put an upper limit on what cash can be used for… with the idea of implementing this policy in 2018.
