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Death & Taxes... And Debt

Nothing in this world is certain, except death and taxes... and $62,000 debt.

According to December 2016 data provided to by credit bureau Experian, 73% of consumers had outstanding debt when they were reported as dead.

Those consumers carried an average total balance of $61,554, including mortgage debt. Without home loans, the average balance was $12,875. Among the 73% of consumers who had debt when they died, about 68% had credit card balances.

A New Trend Emerges – Digital Gold "Gifting" Gains Popularity In China

A New Trend Emerges – Digital Gold "Gifting" Gains Popularity In China

Authored by Mike Krieger via Liberty Blitzkrieg blog,

I rarely write about gold these days, but the following from Reuters caught my attention.

BEIJING/SHANGHAI, March 7, China’s virtual gifting market, typically the domain of plugged-in young consumers celebrating special occasions or flirting, is luring major financial institutions keen to boost trade of another auspicious commodity: gold.


Valeant: The End Of The Michael Pearson Era

Valeant: The End Of The Michael Pearson Era

Authored by Roddy Boyd via The Southern Investigative Reporting Foundation,

Valeant Pharmaceuticals International, the corporate poster-child for price-gouging, tax-inversion and hedge-fund manager wealth destruction quietly severed all ties with J. Michael Pearson, its former chief executive officer and longtime guiding light, in January according to its annual proxy statement filed this morning.
