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Carson Block: "The Possibility Of US Default Is Greater Than Anyone Seems To Realize"

Carson Block: "The Possibility Of US Default Is Greater Than Anyone Seems To Realize"

Authored by Carson Block via,

Euphoria has been pervasive in the stock market since the election. But investors seem to be overlooking the risk of a U.S. government default resulting from a failure by Congress to raise the debt ceiling. The possibility is greater than anyone seems to realize, even with a supposedly unified government.

What The "Dots" Say: Fed Keeps 2017, 2018 And Long-Run Rate Outlook Unchanged, Raises 2019

For those curious what the Fed's latest dot plot reveals, here is the summary:

  • Median target for end-2017 is 1.375%, unchanged
  • Median target for end-2018 is 2.125%, unchanged;
  • Median target for end-2019 is 3% vs 2.875% in December;
  • Long-run target is 3%, unchanged 

This suggests that at least as of now, the Fed sees no need to move its rate hike forecasts materially higher. As a reminder, the medians increased in December after most declined in previous three quarters.
