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Deranged Harvard Professor Smears All Independent Media As ‘Fake News’

Deranged Harvard Professor Smears All Independent Media As ‘Fake News’

A far-left professor at Harvard University claims that all independent media websites that don’t subscribe to far-left ideology must be considered ‘fake news’ by default.  A list of ‘fake news’ sites has been given to students at Harvard University, with the instruction that they study the list and make a note of the almost 1,000 independent, conservative, and center-right websites listed and ensure they are never circulated online.

The Very Strange State Of The Market

The Very Strange State Of The Market

Authored by Lance Roberts via,

Last week I reviewed Why This Market Reminds Me Of 1999:

“While there is much hope the new President, and his newly minted cabinet, will “Make America Great Again,” there can be a huge difference between expectations and reality. And, like in 1999, there is just the simple realization that eventually excesses will mean revert.


The A.I. Economy: "Why The Market Never Crashes"

The A.I. Economy: "Why The Market Never Crashes"

Authored by Mac Slavo via,

How are they keep this dying patient, the economy, together?

Perhaps we are long past the point of an organic, “real” economy. Instead, autotrading and artificial intelligence appears to be auto-investing into the stock market and other parts of the economy in order to keep it afloat.

Meanwhile, the individual will be increasingly barred from using cash, and forced onto a digital, tracking system.

When This All Blows Up...

When This All Blows Up...

Authored by Chris Martenson via,

This report marks the end of a series of three big trains of thought. The first explained how we’re living through the Mother Of All Financial Bubbles. The next detailed the Great Wealth Transfer that is now underway, siphoning our wealth into the pockets of an elite few.

Restaurant Sales And Traffic Tumble

Restaurant Sales And Traffic Tumble

There appeared to be a glimmer of hope for the restaurant industry last month, when BlackBox Intelligence's TDn2K titled its most recent Restaurant Industry Snapshot: “Flat Sales, Welcome Change for Restaurant Industry in January.” In the report, it said that "while same-store sales growth was flat (zero percent) in January, it represented a welcome break from the ten consecutive months of negative sales growth experienced by the industry through the end of last year." That finding, however, was refuted by a recent Reuters/Ipsos opinion poll which found that one-third of the 4,200
