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Operational Health Tech: A New Billion Dollar Market

The following content is sponsored by Bloom Health Partners

Operational Health Tech: A New Billion Dollar Market

Many lessons were learned throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, but what has become most apparent is the need to invest in healthcare on all fronts. In fact in just a few short years, businesses, governments, and consumers have had to entirely reassess healthcare in ways not quite seen before.

Supremes Rule: NY Gun Grab Law 'Unconstitutional'!

In a stunning 6-3 decision, the US Supreme Court ruled unconstitutional the New York requirement that applicants for a concealed carry handgun permit must show a special cause for the request. The Second Amendment "protects an individual's right to carry a handgun for self-defense outside the home," wrote Justice Clarence Thomas in the majority opinion. Also today: Biden's top economic advisor claims the best way out of inflation is...more government spending! Today on the Liberty Report:
