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Goldman Raises March Rate Hike Odds To 95% After Yellen Speech

Following Yellen's speech which did not throw any curve balls to this week's sharply revised, hawkish narrative by her FOMC peers, a March rate hike - according to Goldman - appears to be in the books. In a note moments ago by Goldman's Jan Hatzius, the investment bank said that the bottom line is that "Fed Chair Yellen said today that a rate increase at the March FOMC meeting “would likely be appropriate”, as long as incoming data continue to confirm officials’ outlook.

"The System Is Rigged" Axel Merk Debunks The Market's Fake Risk & Fake Return

"The System Is Rigged" Axel Merk Debunks The Market's Fake Risk & Fake Return

Via Axel Merk of,

With seemingly everyone from the blogosphere to the Tweeter-in-chief chiming in on fake news, have investors considered their risk/return profile may also be “fake”? When it comes to investing, who or what can we trust, is the market rigged, and why does it matter?

For eight years in a row now, an investment in the S&P 500 has yielded positive returns. In recent years, expressions like “investors buy the dips” and “low volatility” have become associated with this rally.

The Fed Is Preparing $1 Trillion In QE For The Next Recession: Deutsche

The Fed Is Preparing $1 Trillion In QE For The Next Recession: Deutsche

While in recent weeks there has been a material increase in Fed balance sheet normalization chatter, according to a new report from Deutsche Bank analysts, it may all be for nothing for one simple reason: should the US encounter a recession in the next several years, the most likely reaction by the Fed would be another $1 trillion in QE, delaying indefinitely any expectations for a return to a "normal" balance sheet.
