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Pending Home Sales Beat, But Sales In The West Continue To Slide

Pending Home Sales Beat, But Sales In The West Continue To Slide

New-, Existing-, and now Pending-Home Sales all beat expectations in November.

Pending sales just printed a surprise 0.2% gain (against expectations of a 0.4% drop) with a surge in Northeast offsetting a second monthly decline in sales in The West.

Notably, pending home sales in The West are down 2.3% YoY - the 10th monthly drop in YoY sales in a row...

What happens next? (After the tax reform changes)

Are The Banksters Creating Their Own Cryptocurrency Called "Utility Settlement Coin"?

Authored by Michael Snyder via The Economic Collapse blog,

Independently-controlled cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Ethereum and Litecoin may or may not survive in the long run, but blockchain technology is definitely here to stay. 

This technology has revolutionized how digital financial transactions are conducted, and it was only a matter of time before the big boys began to adopt it.  Previously, I have written about how the Washington Post is hyping something known as ‘Fedcoin’, but Fedcoin does not yet exist.

Pair Of Bush-Era Economists Emerge As Front-Runners For Fed Vice Chair Position

Pair Of Bush-Era Economists Emerge As Front-Runners For Fed Vice Chair Position

After selecting Fed governor Jerome Powell to replace Janet Yellen as Fed Chair when her term expires in February, the Trump White House has now moved on to interviewing a series of candidates for the Vice Chair position.  As the Wall Street Journal notes this morning, two of the more likely candidates for that role are a pair of economists who served in senior positions in the George W. Bush administration.

Hussman On The Three Big Delusions: Paper Wealth, A Booming Economy, And Bitcoin

Hussman On The Three Big Delusions: Paper Wealth, A Booming Economy, And Bitcoin

Authored by John Hussman via,

Let us not, in the pride of our superior knowledge, turn with contempt from the follies of our predecessors. The study of the errors into which great minds have fallen in the pursuit of truth can never be uninstructive.”

– Charles MackayExtraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds
