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US Housing Market In Peril As "Increase In Mortgage Rates Has Shocked Consumers"

US Housing Market In Peril As "Increase In Mortgage Rates Has Shocked Consumers"

While rising treasury yields may be music to the ears of savers who have been crushed by low interest rates over the past 7 years, they're a bit of downer for the overwhelming majority of Americans that have been funding their lavish lifestyles with cheap debt.  Yes, sadly the days of upgrading to the $65,000 luxury car despite a $40,000 annual salary, because you can "afford it" so long as you can cover the low monthly payments courtesy of 7-year terms and low interest rates, may finally be coming to an end. 

India's Modi Admits Plan Shifting Nation To "Cashless Society"

India's Modi Admits Plan Shifting Nation To "Cashless Society"

Well who could have seen this coming? Just as we noted, the slippery slope towards full government control in a cash-less society is where Indian PM Modi is heading following his chaos-creating demonetization efforts of the last two weeks. While massive opposition protests are planned tomorrow, Modi remains indignant, as Reuters reports, "we can gradually move from a less-cash society to a cashless society...this is the chance for you to enter the digital world."

OPEC Deal Disintegrates After Iran Press Accuses Saudi Arabia Of "Reneging" On Agreement

On Friday, after reading the latest shift in the ever-changing, always fluid OPEC narrative, according to which Saudi Arabia now demands Iranian oil production cuts contrary to the agreement reached at the end of September in Algiers, in which Iran was granted an exemption from the upcoming supply cut negotiation in Vienna on November 30, we were confused:

How Will China’s Soft-Landing-Policy Suffer Under Trump?

How Will China’s Soft-Landing-Policy Suffer Under Trump?


When it became clear Trump was about to win the US presidential elections, the value of the Mexican Peso nosedived and lost in excess of 10% overnight. That wasn’t surprising, as Trump had made several anti-Mexico statements in its bid to become the next president of the USA, and the economic repercussions and impact from a ‘cold trade war’ between Mexico and the USA would have been huge.
